A RIVER NEVER SLEEPS. By Roderick Haig-Brown. Illustrated by Louis Darling. Modern Fishing Classics series.

A RIVER NEVER SLEEPS. By Roderick Haig-Brown. Illustrated by Louis Darling. Modern Fishing Classics series.

ART OF ANGLING JOURNAL. Volume 2, issue 2. By Paul Schmookler and Ingrid V. Sils.

ART OF ANGLING JOURNAL. Volume 2, issue 2. By Paul Schmookler and Ingrid V. Sils.

ART OF ANGLING JOURNAL. Volume 2, issue 1. By Paul Schmookler and Ingrid V. Sils.

2003. Volume 2. Issue 1. Large perfect-bound magazine format paperback (230 x 300mm). Pp232. Highest quality colour photographs throughout, advertisements.

A handsome and wonderfully illustrated journal. Articles on fly-tying and materials, fishing tackle collecting, angling art and literature. Brilliant photography and a superb production of the highest quality. This series was printed using a five-colour printing process, one of the five being real, metallic, gold. The obvious expense of this could have contributed to the early demise of the series, but has left us with wonderful, lustrous photographs. ISSN: 1536-9636. Articles include: Thaddeus Norris - America's greatest fly-fisherman, by Jerry Girard; From the salty side of the easel, by Arthur Taylor. Streamers and bucktails of the world, their history and variations, Part III - the reference collection of Ora Smith, by Steve Cullen. An angler's day, by Gordon Wickstrom; Muskrat at the bar, by Ed Quigley; Collector's edge - collectors and ethics, by Jerry Girard; Tucunare - treasures of the virgin jungle, by Marcelo Morales; An angler's fly box, by Joe Saverino; A chinook to remember, by Bill Nelson. Fly tying ornithology: Silver Pheasant; Anderson's Pheasant. End of an era, by Jerry Girard; North Umpqua winter, by Mike Baughman and Dan Callaghan; Fly Fishing with the Lost Patrol, by John Holt; Sunrise on a favorite stream, by Adriano Manocchia; Joe's Hole, by Stan Smartt; Kevin Perkins - relections on creative fly tying, by Ingrid V. Sils; The joys of a floating line, by Steve Nelson; The snook of summer, by Norm Ziegler; The J.D. Wagner Rod Company, by Ingrid V. Sils; Hail Hibernia, Part II, by Jack Fallon; The float tube, by Frank Reid; Hobbies and some of their riders.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Schmookler (Paul) and Sils (Ingrid V.), Editors.
Book Code 10938
Book Description Fine new copy.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 2003
Publisher Published by the editors. The Complete Sportsman.
Place Westborough, Massachusetts.