CHARLES ST JOHN'S NOTE BOOKS 1846-1853: INVERERNE, NAIRN, ELGIN. Edited by Admiral H.C. St. John.

CHARLES ST JOHN'S NOTE BOOKS 1846-1853: INVERERNE, NAIRN, ELGIN. Edited by Admiral H.C. St. John.

DAYS AND NIGHTS OF SALMON FISHING IN THE TWEED: With a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon, instructions to sportsmen, anecdotes, etc. By William Scrope, Esqre., F.L.S.

DAYS AND NIGHTS OF SALMON FISHING IN THE TWEED: With a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon, instructions to sportsmen, anecdotes, etc. By William Scrope, Esqre., F.L.S.

ATLANTIC SALMON FLIES. MOUCHES POUR LE SAUMON ATLANTIQUE. By Jacques Heroux with seven renowned fly tiers (avec sept monteurs de mouches emerites).

2017 1st edition. Paperback issue. 4to spiral-bound paperback (227 x 280mm). Pp158. Colour photographs of flies throughout.

Parallel texts in English and French. "The Atlantic salmon, the king of the rivers, is the ultimate prize for the angler. This beautifully illustrated volume brings together exquisite examples of nearly 300 salmon flies, tied by some of the best fly tiers and fishers in North America. Patterns tied by the author, Jacques Heroux, accompany those by renowned tiers Allen Kay, Marc LeBlanc, Marc A. LeBlanc, Paul LeBlanc, Bob MacDonald, Steve Silverio, and Frank Walsh. Conveniently organized into four sections - bombers and dry flies, bugs, streamers, and wet flies - this rich compendium includes colour photographs of flawlessly tied specimens complemented by detailed lists of materials. Biographical notes on each tier and a brief history of the art of fly tying round out the volume. A beautiful tribute to the fly tier's art and an invaluable reference, Atlantic Salmon Flies illustrates the ingenuity and creative impulse behind the flies that hook the king of fish." Text in both English and French, side by side. The spiral-bound paperback binding is a little flimsy and so all copies show slight signs of shelf-wear. "Le saumon atlantique, le roi des rivieres, est la recompense la plus convoitee du pecheur. Ce livre superbement illustre reunit des exemples de pres de 300 mouches a saumon, montees par certains des meilleurs monteurs de mouches et pecheurs de l'Amerique du Nord. Des modeles montes par l'auteur, Jacques Heroux, cotoient d'autres montes par des monteurs renommes: Allen Kay, Marc LeBlanc, Marc A. LeBlanc, Paul LeBlanc, Bob MacDonald, Steve Silverio et Frank Walsh. Reparti en quatre sections - bombers et mouches seches; bugs; streamers; et mouches noyes - ce recueil abonde en photographies-couleur de mouches impeccablement montees, accompagnees de listes detaillees des materiels utilises. Des notes biographiques des chaque monteur ainsi qu'un bref historique de l'art du montage de mouches completent le recueil. Livre de reference precieux, Mouches pour le saumon atlantique rend hommage aux artistes de la mouches, refletant l'ingeniosite et l'elan createur qui inspirent ces pecheurs a la recherche du roi des poissons."
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Book Code
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Author Heroux (Jacques). (b. 1957).
Book Code 49797
ISBN 0864929730 / 9780864929730.
Book Description Slight shelf-wear else fine unread paperback.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 2017
Publisher Goose Lane Editions.
Place Fredericton, New Brunswick.