FLIES FOR STEELHEAD. By Dick Stewart and Farrow Allen.

FLIES FOR STEELHEAD. By Dick Stewart and Farrow Allen.

TALES OF FRESH-WATER FISHING. By Zane Grey. 1928 Hodder and Stoughton first UK edition.

TALES OF FRESH-WATER FISHING. By Zane Grey. 1928 Hodder and Stoughton first UK edition.

FLIES FOR STEELHEAD. By Dick Stewart and Farrow Allen.

(1992) ND later reprint. 4to paperback (217 x 278mm). Ppviii,87. Colour plates of flies, bibliography.

This book " is the most comprehensive guide to the steelhead trout flies currently being used on North American waters. Many experienced fly fishermen and guides from the United States and Canada have contributed to this larege, contemporary reference. ...Additional history and comments oabout the origins and use of each fly serve as a selection guide for the steelhead trout fly fisherman." Chapters include: Surface flies; Nymphs; Wet flies; Egg flies; Shrimp flies.
Availability: Out of stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Stewart (Dick) and Allen (Farrow).
Book Code 43243
ISBN 0936644095 / 0936644095.
Book Description Damp-staining to bottom edge, shelf-wear to covers. A good reference copy.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 1992
Publisher Mountain Pond Publishing.
Place North Conway, NH.