FLY FISHING THE FLORIDA KEYS: THE GUIDES' GUIDE. By Skip Clement & Andrew Derr. Hardback issue.

FLY FISHING THE FLORIDA KEYS: THE GUIDES' GUIDE. By Skip Clement and Andrew Derr. Hardback issue.

HOW TO TIE FLIES. By E.C. Gregg. The Barnes Sports Library.

HOW TO TIE FLIES. By E.C. Gregg. The Barnes Sports Library.


(1983) reprint of (1993) 2nd edition. 4to paperback (215 x 280mm). Pp80. Colour photographs of flies throughout.

"In the decade since [this book] was first published, there has been a significant increase in fly fishing in Alaska's streams, lakes and oceans. Patterns have evolved and new flies developed as fly fishers have discovered new materials and better ways to simulate items in the diet of salmon, trout, char, grayling, sheefish, northern pike, and even halibut. As a result, we have nearly doubled the number of patterns illustrated in this new edition. Revision of [this book] required over two years of work and involved many members of the Alaska flyfishers who contributed time and talent". Chapters include: Alaska Flyfisher's History; Streamers and bucktails; Steelhead, salmon, and char flies; Egg and alevin imitations; Nymphs and wet flies; Dry flies; Saltwater flies; Top patterns for Alaska's sportfish.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
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Author Derkson (Dirk V.), Editor.
Book Code 52350
ISBN 1878175319 / 1878175319.
Book Description Some pages have been stuck together and may show a little damage where they have been opened. This is unlikely to affect more than 2 or 2 fly patterns and does little to detract from the book's usefulness as a work of reference.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 1993
Publisher Frank Amato Publications.
Place Portland, Oregon.