RIVER PIKE. By Dilip Sarkar, MBE.

2015 1st edition. 4to (190 x 245mm). Pp204. Colour photographs throughout, b/w photographs, illustrations, brief bibliography, maroon end-papers. Light brown boards, spine titled in gilt.

Dilip Sarkar enlists a team of experts to recount their piking experiences on rivers around the country. "A 'river pike' book was long overdue, for since the John Sidley classic River Piking of 1987, there has been very little written about piking in rivers; to be perfectly honest there are very few anglers who could write about river piking and I'm glad to say Dilip has managed to enlist a true 'expert' to write on every river mentioned in the book, which, added to his own extensive personal knowledge of the Midland rivers, makes this the most comprehensive work on the subject ever written. This is a book for the piker who wants to catch fish without a name, whilst dreaming that one day the mother of all river pike will take the bait." (From the foreword by Des Taylor). Chapters include:- The Lower River Severn by Dilip Sarkar, with a contribution by James Sarkar; The Tidal River Severn by Chris Leibbrandt; The River Wye by Dilip Sarkar, with contributions by Chris Fowles, Martin Mumby and John Tate; The Warwickshire Avon by Steve Bown and John Cheyne, with a contribution by Steve Watts; The River Trent by Neville Fickling, with a contribution by Chris Wardle; The River Thames by Phil Wakeford, with a contribution by Bill Rushmer; The Broadland rivers by Stephen Harper and Paul Belsten; The Fenland Rivers by Denis Moules; The Yorkshire Ouse by Dave Greenwood; The Wessex rivers by Terry Theobald and Jerry Lloyd; The River Shannon by Pat Henry. Designed and produced by Stephen Harper, only 500 copies of this first edition have been printed and the publisher quickly sold out.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Sarkar (Dilip).
Book Code 52137
Book Description A fine copy in dust-wrapper. Bookmark laid in.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 2015
Publisher Harper Fine Angling Books.
Place Foulsham, Norfolk.