THE FIXED-SPOOL REEL: HOW TO USE IT. By Peter Tombleson. Series editor Kenneth Mansfield.

THE FIXED-SPOOL REEL: HOW TO USE IT. By Peter Tombleson. Series editor Kenneth Mansfield.

ARTIFICIAL FLIES: HOW TO TIE THEM. By L. Vernon Bates. Series editor Kenneth Mansfield.

ARTIFICIAL FLIES: HOW TO TIE THEM. By L. Vernon Bates. Series editor Kenneth Mansfield.

SEA FISHING BAITS: HOW TO FIND and USE THEM. By Alan Young. Series editor Kenneth Mansfield.

(1957) later reprint. Small format (95 x 165mm). Pp96. B/w illustrations. Blue boards, spine titled in dark blue.

Another title in the excellent and highly collectable 'How To Catch Them' series, with perhaps the best dust-wrapper illustration. Chapters include: Worms; Crabs; Shellfish; Fish baits; Prawns and Shrimps; Squid, cuttle and octopus; Miscellaneous baits - groundbaits; Apparatus; Preserving baits; Fish food and baits; Artificial baits.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Young (Alan).
Book Code 8514
ISBN B0018Z167W.
Book Description Very good in rubbed dust-wrapper.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1957
Publisher Herbert Jenkins.
Place "How to catch them" series.