HIGH PHEASANTS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. By Sir Ralph F. Payne-Gallwey, Bart. With a new foreword by John Richards.

HIGH PHEASANTS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. By Sir Ralph F. Payne-Gallwey, Bart. With a new foreword by John Richards.

SCORE BETTER AT SKEET. By Fred Missildine with Nick Karas.

SCORE BETTER AT SKEET. By Fred Missildine with Nick Karas.

SHOOTING MADE EASY. Mike Reynolds with Mike Barnes.

# (1986) 1994 reprint of 1993 paperback edition. 4to (188 x 244mm). Pp144. b/w photographs, illustrations.

# The author discusses clay shooting, "avoiding the technical jargon that often clouds the issue of good shooting. ...Gun design, gun fit and good mounting is explained, with further advice on ...the right choke and cartridge combination. Each of the ...disciplines and levels of competition is fully discussed, and sporting, skeet and down-the-line are studied in greater detail". Chapters include: The sport and is development; The gun; Cartridges and choke; The disciplines; Style; Clothing; Competitions; Forty English Sporting; FITASC Sporting; Sporting variations; English Skeet; Down-the-Line; CPSA Rules.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
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Author Reynolds (Mike) with Barnes (Mike).
Book Code 56735
ISBN 1852237163 / 9781852237165.
Book Description Bookseller's label to half-title page or rear cover. Clean, intact second-hand paperback.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 1993
Publisher The Crowood Press.
Place Ramsbury, Marlborough.