THE VADE-MECUM OF FLY-FISHING FOR TROUT: Being a complete practical treatise on that branch of the art of angling; with plain and copious instructions for the manufacture of artificial flies. Illustrated by numerous engravings. By G.P.R. Pulman. Third edn

THE VADE-MECUM OF FLY-FISHING FOR TROUT: Being a complete practical treatise on that branch of the art of angling; with plain and copious instructions for the manufacture of artificial flies. Illustrated by numerous engravings. By G.P.R. Pulman. Third edn

HOW TO TIE SALMON FLIES: A TREATISE ON THE METHODS OF TYING THE VARIOUS KINDS OF SALMON FLIES. With illustrated directions, and containing the dressings of forty flies. By Captain Hale. East Lancashire Regiment. The Centenary Edition.

HOW TO TIE SALMON FLIES: A TREATISE ON THE METHODS OF TYING THE VARIOUS KINDS OF SALMON FLIES. With illustrated directions, and containing the dressings of forty flies. By Captain Hale. East Lancashire Regiment. The Centenary Edition.

SIMPLE KEY TO CADDIS LARVAE. By Ian Wallace. A Field Studies Council publication.

(2006) 2019 1st edition. Large 8vo paperback (175 x 247). Ppiv,60. B/w line illustrations.

This is a very useful guide, published as part of the Aids to Identification In Difficult Groups of Animals and Plants scheme. This is a very detailed guide to identification of caddis species in the larval stages. Aimed at biologists making a collection for scientific purposes, but a useful practical guide for the keen flyfisher-entomologist.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
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Author Wallace (Ian).
Book Code 56292
ISBN 1851532102 / 9781851532100.
Book Description Fine new copy.
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 2006
Publisher The Field Studies Council.
Place Telford, Shropshire.