THE BOOK OF THE ALL-ROUND ANGLER: A comprehensive treatise on angling in both fresh and salt water. By John Bickerdyke. The fifth revised edition, much enlarged, and having 26 full-page plates besides over 320 illustrations in the text.

THE BOOK OF THE ALL-ROUND ANGLER: A comprehensive treatise on angling in both fresh and salt water. By John Bickerdyke. The fifth revised edition, much enlarged, and having 26 full-page plates besides over 320 illustrations in the text.

PIKE ANGLER'S CLUB Journals. Six bound volumes. Issues No. 1 to No. 40.

PIKE ANGLER'S CLUB Journals. Six bound volumes. Issues No. 1 to No. 40.

THE DOMESDAY BOOK OF MAMMOTH PIKE. By Fred Buller. Paperback issue.

1979 1st edition. Paperback issue. 4to paperback (185 x 240mm). Pp286. B/w photographs, illustrations, map. Foreword by Hugh Falkus.

Fred Buller's classic work detailing two hundred and thirty pike each of which weigh more than 35lbs. Collectible and highly sought after.
Availability: In stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Buller (Frederick Henry Ernest). (1926-2016). Fred Buller.
Book Code 50581
ISBN 0091361710 / 0091361710.
Book Description Presentation inscription, top edge dusty o/w a good second-hand paperback. .
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 1979
Publisher Stanley Paul.
Place London.