TROUT FISHING FOR BEGINNERS, with directions for dressing flies for trout and grayling and useful recipes: specially for Devon Streams, by

TROUT FISHING FOR BEGINNERS, with directions for dressing flies for trout and grayling and useful recipes: specially for Devon Streams, by "Devonshire Fisherman" (Rev. A. Hughes).

THE COMPLETE ANGLER: OR THE CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION. Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing, written by Izaak Walton and INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO ANGLE FOR A TROUT OR GRAYLING IN A CLEAR STREAM by Charles Cotton...1875.

THE COMPLETE ANGLER: OR THE CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION. Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing, written by Izaak Walton and INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO ANGLE FOR A TROUT OR GRAYLING IN A CLEAR STREAM by Charles Cotton...1875.

THE YOUNG ANGLER'S GUIDE: Shewing the best methods of angling, with the proper baits and tackle for each description of fish. By "Otter."

1860 1st edition. 12mo (110 x 174mm). Pp24. Yellow paper wrappers, the inside of which are pale blue, and on which are printed a frontispiece of "Pike Fishing," and at the rear a plate showing fishing tackle.

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Book Code
More Information
Author Alfred (Henry Jervis). (c. 1839-1900).
Book Code 59053
Book Description Bound with wrappers in leather-backed marbled paper-covered boards, the spine a little rubbed with upper hinge tender but holding. End-papers spotted, with library label of Frederick W. Norman. The pamphlet is in fine condition. About 30 blank leaves are
Book Cover Paperback
Published Date 1860
Publisher Alfred and Son.
Place London.