THE FISH WE CATCH: IDENTIFICATION - HABITAT - LURES. Written and illustrated by W.E. Davies.

THE FISH WE CATCH: IDENTIFICATION - HABITAT - LURES. Written and illustrated by W.E. Davies.

GONE FISHING. By William Nathan.

GONE FISHING. By William Nathan.

THREADLINER'S YEAR. By Alexander Wanless.

1952 1st edition. Small 8vo (125 x 190mm). Pp158. B/w illustrations. Blue boards, spine titled in black.

Threadline tactics, for all freshwater and estuarine species, throughout the year. "For the first time, Wanless shows how to apply the threadline method to such fish as pike, perch and grayling. In addition he deals in detail with at least one entirely new threadline way of catching trout in lakes, lochs, loughs and reservoirs, when they are not to be taken on the surface or mid-water but must be sought on the bottom where they are feeding. ...The book also discusses, though necessarily tentatively, the significance and importance of the arrival of German monofilament lines of greater strength than other makes." Chapters include:- Ringing the changes; Dancing minnow; Spoons and plugs; Winter's darling; Ways with grayling; Enter Mr. Salmon; March trout; Wonderful April; Showing the fly to salmon; Baits, natural, artificial; Fly fishers' month; Merry May; Larvae fishing in lochs; Leafy June on the river; Early daddy; Mysteries of night fishing; Estuary fishing; More about estuaries; And still more; Sea trout by night and day; Welcome, Lammasmen!; King daddy; All round September; New ways in October.
Availability: Out of stock
Book Code
More Information
Author Wanless (Alexander). (1889-1952).
Book Code 34167
Book Description Good-plus in stained and rubbed dust-wrapper.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1952
Publisher Herbert Jenkins.
Place London.