THE WHOPPER. By 'B.B.' Illustrated by D.J. Watkins-Pitchford. First edition.

THE WHOPPER. By 'B.B.' Illustrated by D.J. Watkins-Pitchford. First edition.

BIG CARP LEGENDS: MIKE WILSON. Big Carp Legends series no. 8. By Mike Wilson.

BIG CARP LEGENDS: MIKE WILSON. Big Carp Legends series no. 8. By Mike Wilson.

TRAPPED IN DEVIL'S HOLE. As told to Ben East. Edited by Jerolyn Nentl and Dr. Howard Schroeder.

.# 1979 1st edition. 8vo (158 x 222mm). Pp47,ad. Monochrome illustrations by Jack Dahl. Laminated boards.

.# Two fishermen descend into the Devil's Hole in the canyon of San Joaquin". As the readers of this story will discover, Keith Oveson and John McClary were in great danger in the Devil's Hole. Even those who were trying to rescue them were not all sure the men could be brought out alive. Had it no been for the great courage and skill of a few men trained in rescue work, the story certainly would have had an unhappy ending".
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Book Code
More Information
Author East (Ben). Nentl (Jerolyn) and Schroeder (Dr. Howard), Editors.
Book Code 38309
ISBN 0896860485 /@ 0896860485.
Book Description Ex library, usual faults. Reading copy.
Book Cover Hardcover
Published Date 1979
Publisher Crestwood House.
Place NP.